Do you know what’s working or what may need re-working within your center’s Quality program? What needs to be done in order to have an impact and achieve objective results? How about coaching skills within your team, how do those measure up? Do you have the best arm chair quarterback coaching your reps in their quest to super agents?

Get multichannel and screen recording, playback, and archiving in one complete solution to provide the quality assessment & coaching you need.

Customer service organizations record customer interactions for a variety of reasons. Confirming regulatory requirements, monitoring employee performance, and tracking customer satisfaction are some common ones. Because those business reasons may change, it is important to have a flexible recording solution. With customers increasingly looking to conduct their business over non-voice contact channels, it is important to be able to capture those interactions as well.








Seamlessly capture customer interactions across all channels.

As an integral component of the Interaction Intelligence Customer Interaction Center™ (CIC), Interaction Recorder® has direct access to all customer communications. No matter which channel a customer chooses to contact a business – voice, chat, text, email, or even social media – their interactions are seamlessly captured. All recordings are accessed through a single interface, eliminating any need to search or consolidate recordings from different systems.

Quick to deploy, easy to maintain.

Because Interaction Recorder is a CIC add-on application, enabling recording requires only simple licensing. Unlike stand-alone recording systems, there is no need to integrate CTI or other external data feeds. Deploy interaction capture capabilities quickly, and never worry that a broken or slow data feed will cause recordings to be missing or dropped.

Configuring and maintaining Interaction Recorder settings and users is easy using CIC’s single administration interface. Organizations can also streamline file management and archiving activities with intuitive categorization and rules-based recording policies. This common point of administration eliminates the need for duplicate administrative tasks often associated with stand-alone recording systems.

Extend the value of your recorded customer interactions.

Many organizations leverage recordings for more than the typical compliance and quality monitoring efforts, which extends the value obtained from capturing customer interactions. Some of these quality assessment & coaching best practices are:

Dispute Resolution – Record interactions to help resolve customer disputes and provide evidence in regulatory compliance or human resource situations to protect against potential fines and legal costs.

New Employee Training – Supplement training programs both for on-site and remote users with easily distributed interaction recordings. This is a great way to provide new employees insights on the “right” and “wrong” ways to handle interactions.

Employee Improvement Training – Use interaction recordings to emphasize best practices for even the most experienced users.

Process Improvement – Determine where processes may need to be updated or revised to work better for both employees and customers. Recordings also provide benchmarks for improving user skill sets and applying them to various interaction types.

Key Features for Quality Assessment & Coaching

  • Capture 100% of customer Multichannel interactions, or according to business rules or on-demand.
  • Record calls (including IVR), web chats, emails, SMS, and social media channels.
  • Capture complete details for each media type to enable rapid and targeted retrieval of recordings.
  • Use audio playback plus attributes such as date, time, and call direction for call recordings.
  • Archive all captured interactions, regardless of the contact channel.
  • Capture users’ on-screen activities, even in a multiple monitor environment.
  • Record screens for work items without a direct customer interaction, such as processing a claim or conducting research.
  • Manage WHAT interactions are recorded, WHERE they are stored and WHO can access, play, and export them using a single, simple interface.
  • Optionally store and play files locally to reduce network bandwidth requirements.
  • Archive and quickly retrieve recording files in large volumes with intuitive categorization.
  • Pause interaction recordings when sensitive information is collected.
  • Encrypt recordings, including 256-bit AES.
  • Locally store recordings for cloud-based deployments.
  • Use MD5 file verification detection for any changes made to a recording.
  • Rely on user-based rights-protection for authorized individuals and groups.

Contact us now to learn how you can use quality assessment & coaching as a tool to improve your center.