Intelligent Desktop allows you to:

  • Integrate desktop applications non-invasively
  • Deliver a single sign-on solution
  • Automate your manual workflows
  • Present information in an intuitive way
  • Integrate telephony with other desktop applications
  • Guide business users through their workflows
  • Report on the cost and benefit of each activity
  • Adapt to change to meet organizational objectives
  • Enforce compliance (e.g., HIPAA, PCI, etc.)

Intelligent Desktop Analytics & Automation for the Back Office and Contact Center

Cicero provides desktop activity intelligence and improvement software to measure and manage how people, processes, and technology work together in the contact center and back office. Leveraging a suite of “sensors,” Cicero Discovery’s desktop analytics software collects any desktop activity and supports Big Data initiatives by capturing the customer journey at various touch points. This allows organizations to focus on areas for improvement in business processes, compliance, training, and application usage.

Desktop Analytics

Companies are using desktop analytics in the back office and contact center to gain operational insight and to identify areas of improvement.

Understand the Customer Experience

Use desktop analytics data to understand how your customer engagement and customer interaction processes are working. Combine desktop analytics data with other data providers such as WFM, CRM, and ACD to map the entire customer journey.

Contact us to learn more about intellignet desktop.