Host a Contact Center Results Roundtable

Your agents are the key to your contact center’s success. Your people are your finest asset. Yet contact center managers report that turnover and utilization are their top 2 challenges.

So, what contributes to high turnover and what can cause poor utilization? Here are just a few causes, according to the managers:

* Low morale in the office
* High turnover
* Lack of new-agent training

All true. But, we’ll let you in on what’s really going on—as reported by the agents themselves:

“I work in a basement with poor reception. I worry every day that if something happens, my kids won’t be able to reach me.”

“We get one 15-minute break per shift. It takes me longer than that to walk to the break room. So, I usually end up not taking a break and that just doesn’t seem fair. I wish someone would notice.”

“We had a little bit of training. But, when it comes time to find answers when I’m on a call or communicating with a customer, I have to look thru a 16-page manual or open multiple applications just to find one simple solution—it’s so frustrating and our customers hate the time it takes! I hate the time it takes, too. What I hate even more is feeling like an idiot and having the customer think I am, simply because I can’t find the answer easily.”

“It’s not that I don’t know the answer, it’s that I can’t find it.”

“Management treats us like children. We can’t even answer the phones ourselves, our computers answer for us.”

“I don’t get paid enough to get yelled at or cursed at by customers every day. At least if I was a greeter at Walmart, I could hand out smiley face stickers. Smiley faces! That’d be way better than this.”

“I’d like to be able to help our customers. You know, _really_ help them. I think we’d get yelled at less, customers would be happier and it would make me feel better if it was okay to help. Saying “sorry” is great but, like, maybe being able to offer free shipping if we got the order wrong or something would be good. But we can’t so we just get to put up with people yelling or being angry at us. Good times.”

These might not sound all that familiar to you, but they will likely resonate with your agents like a moose calling to his mate in an echo chamber. It’s almost impossible to reach your goals if your center has low productivity, low morale and low time on phone issues. Worse still, how can you fix anything if YOU don’t know it’s broken? Because your people know! They’re on the front lines and they have all the answers you need. We’ll help you uncover all that and more.

Let’s schedule a Results Roundtable. Here’s how it works…

Check it out:

  • A VITEC Inc. contact center guru will do a 30-minute pre-Roundtable visit, with you, to outline the process and get management’s input
  • We’ll do two 2-hour sessions with up to 2 different contact center groups, about 10-12 in each. Mixing up folks who don’t typically work together or are from different centers or shifts gives some powerful insights across the aisles.
  • Agents will come prepared to air their problems, beefs, gripes, whines AND we welcome it all. They’re also required to bring solutions or recommendations to solve or improve said problem, beef, gripe or whine.
  • A facilitated round table by an experienced contact center expert(s) with more than 20 years of experience makes for great insight into your company, a fun change for your agents and proven results.
  • No supervisors allowed! We create a safe environment for employees to share their experiences and ideas honestly, openly and without judgement or fear of reprisal.

Your Deliverable:

  • A detailed, multi-page, actionable report outlining problems affecting productivity, morale, efficiency, etc. and recommendations for solving them
  • Subject-matter insight – we annotate your staff’s suggestions with real-world solutions that have worked for other centers and enterprises to reduce high turnover, boost morale and increase utilization
  • Recommendations for training and coaching to improve your contact center’s results now–and in the future.

Sometimes problem solving can be as easy as getting a WiFi booster so your company’s most valuable asset–your people–can get emergency calls from family and loved ones. Other challenges may be more elusive and require added effort. VITEC Inc. will help you achieve a more empowered workforce, whether you face big challenges or little, immediate or long-term.

Complete the form to schedule a free Roundtable Brainstorming Session. Let’s discuss how a Results Roundtable positively impacts your contact center metrics this year.