Interaction Dialer utilizes a patented predictive algorithm to maintain high agent productivity and low idle time, helping to increase revenue, retain clients, and reduce cost. In addition, Interaction Dialer offers multichannel capabilities to ensure that the same benefits apply to other communication methods including email and SMS.

Versatile to Meet Your Needs

Customer Interaction Center’s (CIC) Interaction Dialer is able to create a complete range of campaigns, from single, targeted dialing outreach to a series of multichannel outbound campaigns. This solution allows you to develop the campaigns you need without the need to add predictive dialer hardware.

Interaction Dialer Features & Capabilities

Interaction Dialer’s preview, power, predictive, and precise modes allow for support of proactive customer calling campaigns.

Call Analysis

Each time a call has been placed the system detects the appropriate action for the different types of answers: ring/no answer, busy signal, fax tone, answering machine/voice mail, and live answer.Interaction Dialer can also distinguish between permanent and temporary SIT/tri-tones, removing permanent tones are deleted from the database and earmarking temporary tones for callback. This process results in your agents only receiving calls that have reached their target.

Multi-Campaign Dialing

Interaction Dialer runs multiple campaigns against a workgroup, and assigns priorities to determine the volume of calls placed from each active campaign.

Goal Oriented

This patented, skill-based dialing targets customer groups at specific times of the day or week. Since agents are logged onto multiple campaigns, administration of even the most complex tasks is easier, allowing overall productivity to dramatically increase.

Get the Most Out of Your Agents

Interaction Dialer doesn’t just automate dialing, it allows you to use an advanced, predictive algorithm to forecast when agents will become available.

The system uses real-time statistics to estimate when each agent will complete a current call and adjusts dynamically if any factors change. It queues and places multiple outbound calls while agents are busy to ensure a targeted party answers as soon as an agent becomes available.

Additional Features to Improve Agent Utilization

  • Call Blending – Outbound and inbound call activities are combined when the SCD is paired with the capabilities of CIC.
  • Skills-Based Dialing – Agent skill sets, abilities, and proficiencies are labeled. As a campaign runs, a patented formula matches the skill needed for a specific outbound call with an available agent possessing those skills.
  • Agent Reports – Real-time information that can be used to identify agents performing outside their target range and take required action. Our reports lead to high agent utilization, fewer abandoned calls, improved customer experience, and agent productivity that may approach 100% utilization.
  • Go Agentless – If your customer outreach includes more than voice call, Interaction Dialer allows you to define versatile communication campaigns that send emails, faxes, SMS messages, or route a live caller to an IVR script.
  • Compliance – Solutions address the rules and regulations pertaining to outbound outreach, regardless of industry.
  • Do Not Call (DNC) – Just-in-time state and national DNC scrubbing is included, Numbers can be verified against a third-party database prior to dialing.
  • Federal Trade Commission (FTC) – FTC safe harbor call logging, caller ID, and minimum connect times are supported.

Contact us today to learn more about Interaction Dialer and how it can work for your call center.