VITEC offers two types of Campaign and Dialog Management options to ensure our recommendation is the ideal solutions for each of our client’s unique needs, goals, and environments. Both options can be delivered either as a premise-based or hosted solutions.

Campaign & Dialog Management with Interaction Dialer

Interaction Dialer is an automated dialing add-on to the Customer Interaction Center (CIC) which greatly increases the efficiency of outbound call centers. Interaction Dialer manages the retrieval of telephone numbers from a supplied list, places calls on configured lines, and determines the result of each call – no answer conditions, busy signals, invalid numbers, fax tones, answering machines, live speakers, etc. Because agents only deal with telephone calls that reach targeted parties, agent productivity increases dramatically – where manual dialing may produce 15 minutes of on-phone time in an hour, automated dialing can produce 50 minutes of on-phone time. Interaction Dialer can also conduct “agentless campaigns” that automate outbound messaging and can optionally give called parties the option to talk to an agent – optimizing agent time.

Interaction Dialer does more than automate the dialing process. The program’s patented predictive algorithm also forecasts when agents will become available. It uses real-time statistical averaging to calculate when each agent will finish the current call and return to an available status. The system queues and places multiple outbound calls while agents are busy, to ensure that a targeted party is answering when an agent becomes available while providing tight control over pace and abandonment rates. Interaction Dialer’s patented staging algorithm provides more accurate predictions by tracking and using call segment time by agent. Options for less aggressive dialing, such as preview dialing, are also available.

Regulatory compliance options for telemarketing, collections, and other types of campaigns are fully supported. These options include flexible time zone management; abandoned rate definition and control; DNC scrubbing; caller ID and name specification at the campaign and call level; call and screen recording; call time-out controls; legislative message handling; and opt-out controls.

Interaction Dialer offers advanced administration and automation capabilities for campaign & dialog management. Outbound campaigns can be grouped together into workflows that automatically execute in accordance with logical rules defined by the call center administrator. Campaigns can run simultaneously at multiple sites while being administered centrally. Leveraging the CIC platform, Interaction Dialer provides inherent blending of inbound and outbound calls to agents if desired. All, or only certain, calls, as well as agent screens, can be recorded using Interaction Recorder. Outbound IVR and messaging – from simple messages to complex interactions – can be configured using Interaction Attendant, the same powerful, yet easy-to-use tool employed for inbound IVR and auto-attendant configuration. Administration and configuration of all aspects of Interaction Dialer and CIC are handled in Interaction Administrator, the common administrative interface used to manage inbound, recording, workforce management, and all other aspects of the system – agents, lines, stations, security, etc. Real-time statistics on campaigns and agents, as well as real-time monitoring and coaching of calls and agents, are done in Interaction Supervisor, the system-wide supervisory monitoring interface also used for inbound ACD, workforce management, resource tracking, etc. To streamline agent interactions with contacts, Interaction Dialer provides multiple agent interface options from simple scripts to APIs to provide tight integration with in-house or 3rd-party applications. These options include Interaction Scripter for basic or advanced, web browser-based call scripting; Interaction Easy Scripter for a more packaged script authoring and execution environment; and the Interaction Center Extension Library (ICELib), a public API using the .NET Framework, for direct programmatic integration with existing or developed 3rd-party agent interfaces.

All historic data gathered during Interaction Dialer campaigns are written to database tables managed by Interaction Dialer. Both Microsoft SQL Server and Oracle relational database systems are supported.

Campaign & Dialog Management with SmartDial

SmartDial increases productivity in either site-premised or hosted situations, providing flexibility that enables CT Center’s predictive dialer to naturally integrate into your business. SmarrtDial allows you to communicate with customers, clients, or patients in your ideal way. As your collection methods evolve, you can alter the settings to complement your new direction.

SmartDial interfaces with any host collection software (CRM) and supports remote employees or offices.

  • Predictive Dialer: Maximize employee productivity by giving mundane contacting tasks to the dialer and keeping your staff focused on talking to customers.
  • Interactive Communications (IVR Messaging): Consistently contact a large volume of accounts during all legal calling hours and provide options to pay the debt—all with little to no employee involvement.
  • Dialogues: Jumpstart your IVR Messaging campaigns and maximize talk time with IAT’s collection-specific messages and inbound blending.
  • Cell Scrub: Compare each account phone number against the most current data available straight from the source—the government entities assigned to track the info. Enjoy flexibility on which lists you scrub.

Contact us to learn more about our options for campaign & dialog management.