Text to speech, abbreviated TTS, is a method of speech synthesis that converts text into spoken voice output. Text to speech systems were initially developed to aid the visually impaired by offering a computer-generated spoken voice that would “read” text to the user.

Nowadays, text to speech can make life easier for everyone, because it allows customers to get the information they want without having to look at the computer screen. Those using mobile electronic devices can listen to podcasts, audio books, news, and other information while they are on the move, thusly broadcasting information in an efficient, safe format for mobile users. E-learning, especially language learning, also becomes more effective with the implementation of text-to-speech because the system allows your customer base to take part in dialogs and interact in a new way. Applying text to speech to customer service IVRs provides a variety of advantages, most importantly dynamic personalized menus (“Good Morning, Mr. Thomas Smith”), flexibility, and ease of deployment.

VITEC can help you implements a robust text to speech program, just say the word! Contact us today to learn more about our text to speech applications.