Male business talk computer laptop

Male business talk computer laptop

You already know that processes are necessary to running any organization – in essence they’re in place to put the “organize” in organization. How well a company executes its processes is directly linked to whether an organization will be successful.

So, when you think process automation, what comes to mind? Do you try not to cringe? Do you find yourself groaning? In the past, the complexities and costs alone associated with automation would likely have sent you running for the hills. The fact that many didn’t involve people – specifically your people, the lifeblood of any organization, might have had you taking up permanent residence in those hills. But that was then. Go ahead, breathe a heavy sigh.

As our world continues to grow in complexity, the marriage of people, process, and interactions in your center has become even more necessary. But determining where to start may again have you glancing back at those hills. Don’t be frightened, we can help marry the trio in your center and optimize them all for efficiency from end-to-end.

Enter Business Process Automation or, more specifically, Communications Based Process Automation (CBPA). What is a CBPA you may ask? CBPA is a solution that focuses on automating processes AND the communications that drive them. Proposing that we use communications technologies and practices already proven over decades in contact centers as the very foundation for process automation just makes sense.

Business Process Automation Components

  • Intelligent Queuing & Routing – The technology used to queue calls for delivery to the right agent with the right skills in the contact center can also provide the orderly prioritization and delivery of work to the right people in the organization.
  • Presence – A communications based process automation solution can make use of presence information when it decides how to deliver work based on a person’s availability.
  • WFM – Demand forecasting and agent scheduling techniques that allow contact centers to make sure that they have sufficient personnel to handle the expected load.
  • Recording – Capturing the communication method used between a customer and an agent (calls, chats, emails, and faxes) becomes even more valuable when recording and reviewing communications between parties within a business process, especially for guideline adherence and compliance.
  • Real-Time Monitoring – Contact center supervisors demand real-time visibility to monitor agent performance and ensure service levels are met. These same capabilities provide managers and executives with real-time visibility into every step of the work process, including statistics and alerts to errors and delays, and the ability to “coach” employees through processes as needed.
  • VoIP – Provides complete location-independence, enabling employees to participate in businesses processes from anywhere in the world.

CPBA – Business Process Automation Benefits

Once you’ve had the ability to think about the capabilities provided by VITEC’s CBPA solution, the benefits crystalize:

  • Reduced Cost – Organizations can cut costs by decreasing the number of employees and the amount of time involved in a given business process while eliminating latency and human error.
  • Faster Process Completion – Process automation built upon a communications platform automatically keeps processes moving, participants communicating, and work completing faster.
  • Process Automation Enterprise-Wide – Unlike traditional business process automation and management solutions that only tackle one portion of your company’s overall process automation needs, our CBPA solution can be deployed enterprise-wide for simple processes (time off requests, approvals, information gathering, etc.) or more complex processes (claims processing, order fulfillment, patient scheduling, etc.).

Contact us today for more information about our business process automation solutions.